2017 SCLC Wild Things Report

Posted at 3:13 PM on Apr 10, 2017

By Jeremy Wuerfel & Jerry Evans, Chairs

Wild Things visited Alta Mesa Elementary school in Redding on Tuesday February 7th. The students and staff learned about the Western Screech Owl, the Great Horned Owl, the Striped Skunk, the Red Tailed Hawk, the North American Alligator, and the Turkey Vulture.

Wild Things also gave two presentations under the awning in the arena during Education Day at the conference that went very well, despite the inclement weather.

Additional presentations were given on Friday and Saturday during the conference at the Pepsi Pavilion that drew medium to large crowds. The sunny weather probably helped, as well as Wild Things using their own PA system.

It was suggested to Wild Things that they bring approximately 2/3 native wildlife to the area, and 1/3 more obscure, rarely seen wildlife. This proved to be a good mix that kept the crowd interested having no idea what might be presented next. I think we’ll plan on maintaining that mix ratio for future wildlife shows at the conference.

The non-native species to the northwest presented: North American Alligator, Kinkajou, Crested Porcupine, and Black Lemur.